Arutyunov A.V. 1
Elizarov A.V. 1
Kopylova I.A. 1
Avanesyan R.A. 1
1 GBOU VPO “Stavropol State Medical University”
The article presents the analysis of literary data about the factors that damaging effect on the lower alveolar nerve at the outpatient dental interventions. As the analysis of literary data, among the General factors that can have a damaging effect on the lower alveolar nerve in the age groups 25-34 and 35-44 years, there is no «leader» of pathology, there is a short information on the parestesia nerve against the background of an overdose of drugs, leukemia and lymphoma, local anesthesia, endodontic interventions, in the age groups 55-64 and 65 and over among the main factors - outpatient surgery, including the removal of teeth, implant treatment, endodontic interventions, a local anesthetic. In the structure of local traumatic factors that impact the fabric temporomandibular neurovascular, the main place is difficult destruction of dystopic eighth lower teeth, excretion of filling material in the lower channel, errors in the methodology of conductive anesthesia. In older age groups, the greatest danger tissues inferior alveolar nerve are infectious processes in the periapical tissues of the lower jaw and the unsustainable use of implants.