Ivanov A.V. 1
Lipatov V.A. 1
Lazarenko S.V. 1
Zhukovskiy V.A. 1
1 Kursk state medical university
In order to evaluate the response of body tissues studied serial sections of tissues of animals after subcutaneous impalntatsii new models of vascular patches. In the subcutaneous tissue of rats implanted with 40 new two types of implants at 14 days after implantation revealed that the presence in the tissues of the anterior abdominal wall laboratory animals prostheses made of Dacron material leads to the development of aseptic inflammatory reaction in the area of standing prostheses. Changing phases of the inflammatory response is faster in a series of studies with the material A ( LLC «Linteks» ) manifested by a statistically significant increase in the number of fibroblastic cells and a decrease in number of lymphocytes and phagocytes in the cell layer of the capsule compared with a series of studies with material C ( LLC PTGO «North»).