Kalmykova A.S. Takushinova F.M. Kuleshov O.K. 1
1 Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training Stavropol State Medical University
Examination with carrying out a spirometriya (a computer floumetriya) and definition of indicators of the function of external breath (FEB) to children having bronchial asthma is conducted. The most significant indicators of a computer floumetriya which are visually reflecting processes, occurring in lungs, were considered: ZhEL, OFV1, MOS25, MOS50, MOS75. In this research extent of decrease in ZhEL, violation of bronchial passability, obstruction type (on the basis of a combination of data of decrease in MOC25, MOC50, MOC75) were estimated also. Sharper obstructive violations of passability of respiratory ways with redistribution of pulmonary volumes are revealed at medium-weight and heavy degree of bronchial asthma with a syndrome of a displaziya of connecting fabric in comparison with patients without signs of a displaziya of connecting fabric that points to deep generalized violations of bronchial passability.