Lazarenko V.A. 1
Artyushkova E.B. 1
Mishustin V.N. 1
Monovtsov I.A. 1
Kvachakhiya L.L. 1
Chigunadze A.L. 1
Artyushkova E.V. 1
1 Kursk State Medical University
Nowadays the cold injury remains the actualsurgical problem despite of the long-term studies of the mechanisms of its pathogenesis and the emergence of new advanced treatment technologies. The active surgical approach of frostbite’s treatment in conjunction with the combined administration of DSLET (10 mcg/kg a day) and Serotonin adipinate (4,5 mg/kg a day)resulted in a decrease in the severity and prevalence of alterationsdue to the contact frostbite modeling.During microscopic examination it was shown the necrotic mass are absent on day 3, also there are small inflammatory cell infiltrates. The granulation tissue is formed in wound edges. By the 7th day the granulation layer thickens owing to the dense connective tissue fibers are accumulated.At the end of our experiment the whole damage area is filled by connective tissue, this fact suggests that the newly formed collagen fibers mature in the forming cicatrix.The efficiency of contact frostbite correction by the combined administration of DSLET (10 mcg/kg a day) and Serotonin adipinate (4,5 mg/kg a day)in conjunction with the active surgical approach is confirmed by the 2-fold reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6 , TNF-α(p< 0.05) compared with the control group.