Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Liutsko V.V. 1 Zhokina N.A. 2 Medvedeva O.V. 3 Karimova D.U. 4 Lugovoy V.E. 4
1 «Your clinic» Medical Center
2 GKH № 20
3 Ryazan State Medical University
4 The Federal medical-biological center by the name of A. I. Burnazan
The socio-economic reforms are accompanied by fundamental changes in the production and social spheres of the society. The results of the reform of public health does not justify the hopes of addressing such critical issues as raising accessibility, improving quality of care and an adequate level of remuneration of medical personnel. During the research there were examined the basic directions of improvement of the activities and of management consultative-diagnostic department. The study was identified, developed and implemented in practical activities of the consultative-diagnostic department the specific measures for optimization of its activity. Consultative-diagnostic departments are fundamentally new form of organization of the specialized medical aid to the population, providing a three-level system of diagnosis and increasing the availability and quality of treatment and diagnostic services.