Liutsko V.V. 1
Livshiz S.A. 2
Zhokina N.A. 3
Dubynina E.I. 4
1 «Your clinic» Medical Center
2 A.Yi.Burnazian memorial Federal medical biological center
3 GKH № 20
4 FUV GBOU VPO RNIMU im. N.I. Pirogova
The main goal of the health system at the present stage is the organization of qualitatively new models of infrastructure and management scheme, based on application of innovative technologies and used in accordance with the main strategic goals and objectives. In this context, the most pressing challenge is to build a management system of medical institution on the basis of quality. During the research was conducted sociological survey among medical staff and patients. It revealed the basic directions of perfection of the activity of consultative-diagnostic departments of multiprofile hospital and the way of interaction with the city polyclinics. Consultative-diagnostic departments of multi-field hospitals are of a fundamentally new form of organization of the specialized medical aid to the population, providing a three-level system of diagnosis and increasing the availability and quality of treatment and diagnostic services.