Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Malybaeva E.R. 1
1 Saratov State Medical University n.a. V. I. Razumovsky
An analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the etiological factors of postpartum hemorrhage hypotonic. Identified specific frequency of this disease in women of different risk groups. The character and frequency of complications during pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period in women of various risk groups and defined the relationship of these events to the underlying illness. The main reasons for the development of hypotonic hemorrhage in the postpartum period, namely: the most fatal bleeding occur amid gestosis, the presence of organic pathology of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and the development of abnormal liver blood loss reduces the adaptive capabilities to the reduced volume of circulating blood. Other causes of postpartum hemorrhage may be a violation of hemostasis. By the development of postpartum hemorrhage include failure of the neuromuscular system of the myometrium due to receipt of the vascular system of the uterus tromboplasticheskih substances with elements of the ovum (the placenta, membranes, amniotic fluid) or the products of infection (chorioamnionitis). Separately worth noting pregnant patients with multiple myoma nodes large. Thus, the high frequency of obstetric hemorrhage, resulting in patient death or loss of reproductive function, leads continue to search the causes of postpartum hemorrhage to develop more effective ways to treat them.