Malyuzhinskaya N.V. 1
Valmer D.N. 1
Blinkova E.Y. 1
Polyakova O.V. 1
Shemyakina I.L. 2
Petrova I.V. 1
1 GBOU VPO “Volgograd State medical University
2 «Polyclinic № 1 OAO RZD»
Examination of clinical features and lung function in preschool children with episodic wheeze (episodic wheezing) was conducted, the effectiveness of the trial therapy of fluticasone propionate at this phenotype was studied. The criteria for efficiency of therapy were: improvement of the child (based on changes in scoring of clinical symptoms), the increase in the number of days without symptoms, reducing the need for bronchodilators (average number of doses per day), reducing the number of hospitalizations of children, demanding appointment of systemic corticosteroids, improvements in airway resistance ways (RINTexp and ΔRINTexp), reduced bronchial hyperresponsiveness. The study determined that phenotype of episodic wheeze is heterogeneous, patients with positive tests with bronchodilator administration of inhaled corticosteroids is effective, but with a negative test - accurate dynamics of indices can not commit.