Mamatov N.N. 1
Abdiev A.Sh. 1
Akmatov T.A. 1
Akmatov T.A. 1
Sydykov N.J. 1
1 National Surgical Center of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic
The purpose of prevention of abdominal adhesions is stop the adhesion process, or at least reducing the amount of adhesions, density and prevalencein abdomen while maintaining the normal healing process. That prevention is the most promising way in the treatment of adhesive disease. In this study, suggested to the prevention of intraoperative abdominal adhesive disease and reduce the incidence of AAIO use anti-adhesive drug Levomekol based on polyethylene glycol having a barrier, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. Clinical trials were conducted in a comparative aspect of the two groups of patients. Application Levomekol ointment to prevent adhesions in the abdominal cavity had a positive effect , which resulted in a decrease in terms of restoration of motor- evacuation function of the gastro-intestinal tract by 1.26 days, reducing the term of the patients in the hospital for 2.5 days and reducing the frequency of postoperative complications 2.3 times .