Matevosyan S.I. 1
Ponomareva I.P. 1, 2
Proschaev K.I. 1, 2
1 Research medical center of Gerontology
2 Belgorod State national research University
The article deals with one of the actual problems of modern dentistry- defeat the temporal joint, which makes a significant contribution to the development of age-related changes of visceral cranium. Osteoarthritis of the joint can lead to pain syndrome, fluctuations of the lower jaw, inability to chew food properly. Frequent secondary complications are facial′naâ pain, xerostomia is unable to close the mouth. It is shown that osteoarthritis of Temporomandibular joint can evolve the system changes, particularly malnutrition syndrome, when running the pathogenetic changes characteristic of senile asthenia, identifies the forecast life people of elderly and senile age. Thus, the osteoarthritis of the temporo-mandibular joint is not merely a local issue, but a harmless can lead to systemic manifestations. This determines the importance of studying the reasons for its development followed by preventive measures.