Miroshnikov S.V. 1, 2
1 Orenburg State Medical Academy
Own performance on the content of chemical elements in hair compared with the average content of these chemicals in the hair (25–75 centiles interval) obtained during population studies in different regions of Russia .Evaluation macro-element composition of hair of different residents of the Orenburg region ´s gender groups revealed that the contents of almost all macronutrients except P, the majority of Orenburg different from the average for the data, was below 25 and above 75 centile. As the table shows , for men 25 regional percentile Ca content in hair was lower compared with the average values of 1.3 times, while women found lower values of 25 regional centile for K and Na. The men were found higher values of 75 centile regional centiles interval in K, Mg, Na; women only Mg. Regional value content of 25–75 intervals P does not have much difference from the Russian av-erage , indicating that the low homeostatic capacity of macrocell.