Mozharov N.S. 1
1 Volgograd State Medical University
n article results of research of features of the emotional sphere of children of the advanced preschool age which had in the anamnesis perinatal pathology are stated. The assessment of behavior, psycho – emotional a condition of children transferred perinatal pathology, is important as it reflects level of excitability of cortical departments of a brain, development of mentality of the child and degree of a maturity of his personality which substantially define success of informative activity and implementation of requirements of school discipline. In our research selection made 52 человека 26 children in experimental group – children having in the anamnesis perinatal pathology, from which 15 girls and 11 boys (middle age of 6,3 years) and 26 children in control group – healthy children (not having adverse factors in the anamnesis), from which 12 girls and 14 boys (middle age of 6,4 years). Early identification of behavioural problems and feature of the emotional sphere at children, the system analysis of nature of their emergence and adequate educational and correctional work give chance to prevent desocialization of children.