Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Mundukov K.J. 1
1 Municipal clinical hospital № 1. Bishkek city
112 patients with gallbladder polyps were examined. Clinical indexes analysis showed the peculiarities of their manifestations in dependence of the polyps localization. Indications for the surgical treatment have been elaborated: the size of polyps is more than 1 cm, polyps situated on the wide base, in their localization in cystic duct and in clinic picture showing the deterioration of the life quality. The bacteriological examinations of the gallbladder countents have been fulfilled. Microflora was found in 68,4% of the patients. The main diagnostic method was ultrasonic examination. Histological examination showed that polypoid cholesterosis was in 33,7 %, hyperplastic cholesterosis was in 42,8 %, and adenomatous cholesterosis was in 23,5 %. Cholecystectomy was fulfilled for all patients. Cholecystectomy with minilaparotomic approach was fulfilled in 91 patients (81,2 %), and in 21 patients (18,8 %) was fulfilled minilaparoscopic approach. In postoperative period there were no complications.