Nagaeva T.A. 1
Balasheva I.I. 1
Volkova L.I. 1
Ponomareva D.A. 1
Basareva N.I. 1
Ilinich A.A. 1
1 Siberian state medical university
The article shows the results of the research of emotional and psychological profile and vegetative homeostasis in process of adaptation to learning in educational institutions of general type and with the raised academic load at 118 first-graders at the age 6 - 8 years (76 students of gymnasium and 42 students of general type schools) . It is proven with cardiointervalography that the adaptation process of first-graders at educational institutions of new type is associated with disruption of autonomic homeostasis . There were established that in connection with the raised academic loads at gymnasiums students more often observed the lowered mood, fatigue, interest to study decreases, decreases the discipline.