Nikolaev V.G. 1
Yusupov R.D. 1
Nikolaeva N.N. 1
Orlova E.E. 1
Gorbunov N.S. 1
Kazakova G.N. 1
1 GBOU VPO «Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. prof. V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky»
A comparative analysis of the anthropological indicators of teenagers living in urban populations in the southern regions of Eastern Siberia to determine the effect metisatsionnyh processes on the physical status of the surveyed ethnic groups. Urban population of the southern regions of Eastern Siberia for a long period existed under severe cross-breeding. The examination included measurement of body parameters (linear and angular measurements Spigot on the head, trunk and extremities), anthropometric measurements, somatotipirovaniya. Taken into account appearance, family history data, passport information and odontological symptoms. Comparative analysis has allowed to create a modern ethnic characteristics of the population of the southern regions of Eastern Siberia, which is a consequence of human adaptation to these conditions on the background of a long and intinsivnoy cross-breeding with indigenous Mongoloid and Slavic peoples.