Pisarev V.V. 1, 2
Aleynikov A.V. 3
Vasin I.V. 2
Modin A.S. 2
Zahryapin S.N. 2
1 GBOU VPO «Ivanovo State Medical Academy» Russian Ministry
2 «Ivanovo Regional Hospital for War Veterans»
3 GBOU VPO «Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy» Russian Ministry
The rheological properties of red blood cells were studied in 131 patients with diaphyseal fractures of the tibia, which at various times from the trauma of plate and carried intraosseous fixation, was treated for skeletal traction. We studied the aggregation properties (degree of aggregation at different shear rates, the unit size, the rate of aggregation, the percentage of red blood cells are not aggregated) and the deformability of red blood cells. Found that bone fractures leg malformations caused by blood rheology, enhance the process of red blood cell aggregation, fewer diskotsitov and increase in the percentage of red blood cells degenerate. Early stabilization of the bone fragments, the first day after the injury, allows the end of 2 weeks of treatment significantly reduced the aggregation of red blood cells and increase the number of diskotsitov relative to that of 1 week of treatment. Osteosynthesis performed at a later date after the injury does not affect the further treatment on the performance of rheology of red blood cells, which showed the continuing phenomena of increased aggregation.