Pokrovskiy E.J. 1
Gerasimenko V.N. 1
Kraytor A.S. 1
1 Ivanovo State Medical Academy
It is analysed use of minimally invasive technologies in treatment of serious forms of a peritonitis. At a stage of primary operation opportunities of a balloon dilatation of the big papilla of a duodenum at patients with a syndrome of an icterus arisen on a background of a destructive cholecystitis are shown. The technique in conditions of the widespread peritonitis is applied for the first time. In the postoperative period opportunities scheduled laparoscopic are shown to sanation of an abdominal cavity and punkcionny methods of treatment of the limited abscesses of an abdominal cavity. Opportunities described of minimally invasive techniques and their disadvantages are shown. Practical references on their use in a clinical practice are given.