Potaturkina-Nesterova N.I. 1
Nemova I.S. 2
Artamonova M.N. 2
Khromova E.B. 3
Khokhlova O.E. 4
Trofimova N.V. 5
Teplyakova O.V. 4
Kochergina I.A. 3
1 Togliatti State University
2 Ulyanovsk state University
3 Chelyabinsk State University
4 Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
5 Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia
There have been isolated strains Mycoplasma hominis and Enterococcus faecalis at women (n=168) with imflammatory disease of reproductive tract. PCR was used to detect microorganisms and identification of its genetic determinants of pathogenecity. Primer design and annealing temperature were performed using a software package «Lasergene» (USA). The studies have been revealed changes in the occurrence of genetic determinants of pathogenicity microsymbiont E.faecalis isolated from microbial consortium of women’s reproducnive tract in the presence and in the absence of mycoplasm. It has been found out that microsymbiont M. hominis resulted in increase of frequency of occurrence of genes such as cylm (toxigenicity), cpd (bacterial cytogenecity) and cps (adhesion and colonization) among enterococcus after their joint cultivation.