Рrekina V.I. 1
Samolkina O.G. 1
1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education»Mordovian state university named after N. P. Оgaryov»
193 patients at the age from 40 to 81 years were surveyed. The basic treatment group consisted of 93 patients with an arterial hypertensia and an ischemic stroke in the sharp period, the control group - 70 hypertensive patients, the group of healthy control – 30 practically healthy patients. There was estimated the QT interval duration according to figures from the Holter monitoring in the sharpest period of an ischemic stroke (the first 3 days) and over time course of 10 days treatment. The sharpest period of an ischemic stroke associates with lengthening of the QT interval which correlates with stroke severity and is not connected with the potassium and magnesium levels of blood serum. Lengthening of QT interval is short-term and resolves within 10 days of treatment.