Rebrov A.P. 1
Karpova O.G. 1
Gaydukova I.Z. 1
1 Saratov State Medical University n.a. V. I. Razumovsky of Minzdrav
Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic systemic disease with increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality as compared to general population. In the present study were involved 70 patients with reliable diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis based on the CASPAR criteria (2006). Tubular dysfunction patterns and cardiovascular risk factors were studied in this population of patients. In psoriatic arthritis patients presence of tubular dysfunction was found. Tubular dysfunction was most pronounced in females, elder age patients, in combination of psoriatic arthritis with arterial hypertension, and/or dyslipidemia, and/or elevated body mass index. There was interrelation between the tubular dysfunction, convectional cardiovascular risk factors, and arterial rigidity in patients with psoriatic arthritis.