Roskoshnaya D.V. 1
Skalsky S.V. 1
Stupakova L.V. 1
Titov D.S. 2
1 Omsk state medical Academy
2 Narcological clinic
The use of antidepressants is pathogenetically justified and necessary component of the treatment opioid dependence because affective disorders are the leading clinic postabstinent period. The aim of this study was to compare efficacy and safety of antidepressants duloxetin, pipofezin, escitalopram and tianeptine in relation to individual psychological characteristics of patients. Clinical efficacy of the studied antidepressants used for the correction of depression in patients with opioid dependence in postabstinent period was comparable, did not depend on the variant of depressive disorder, duration and intensity of drug addiction, sex, and depended on the severity of depression. In the course of antidepressant pharmacotherapy was reported some side effects, which were generally mild and were stopped on their own within two weeks. Indicators of personal anxiety and hostility patients during therapy with antidepressants did not change.