Sabiryanov A.R. 1
Podzolko T.Y. 1
Sergeeva N.V. 1
Sabiryanova E.S. 2
1 South Ural State Medical University
2 South Ural State University. Cheljabinsk sity
We have investigated the influence of classical massage of back and neck in children-adolescent on indices the cardiovascular system and their slow-wave variability in a prone position and active orthostasis. For an integrated assessment of changes of regulation of blood circulation the analysis of time-and-frequency characteristics of a complex of indicators of the central and peripheral haemo dynamics was used. It is proved that a course of massage helps to reduce the blood pressure, heart rate, increased peripheral circulation and stroke volume. As a result, it was found increase of the orthostatic tolerance central circulation, quantitative and qualitative changes in orthostatic reactions of the system of regulation of blood circulation, which showed increased activity levels and mechanisms of regulation and redistribution of the degree of activation of the sympathetic-parasympathetic and humoral-metabolic mechanisms that provide stability blood circulation in the active orthostasis.