Tihonova E.P. 1
Sergeeva I.V. 1
1 Krasnoyarsk state medical university of a name of professor V. F. Vojno-Jasenetsky
The chronic brucellosis is very widespread infektsionnozavisimy and autoimmune disease. Today the problem of a brucellosis is considered very actual for the countries with the developed livestock branch of agriculture. 80% of cases of a sharp brucellosis хронизируются, and 35 % of patients become disabled people. Most often persons of young able-bodied age that causes a loss to the social and economic party get sick and is one more aspect of relevance of this problem. In a basis патогенеза a chronic brucellosis intracellular parasitizing of the brucellas possessing antilizotsimny activity lies. Eventually clinical manifestations of a disease accrue. Most often the lokomotorny form of the chronic brucellosis, being shown defeat of the musculoskeletal device on which on various sources to fall from 60 to 80 % of cases meets. Having analysed literary data of the Russian researchers concerning a chronic brucellosis for the last 20 years, we didn’t meet a mention of a neurobrucellosis. Though, based on classification of various authors we can tell that the neurobrucellosis is registered in 3–5 % of all cases of a brucellosis, in 5-10% of all cases of a brucellosis, including initially chronic neurobrucellosis, in 4–13 % of all cases of a brucellosis, including initially chronic neurobrucellosis, in 41 % of all cases of a brucellosis, in 22,3 % of all cases of a brucellosis in Moscow, 27,1 % – in the North Caucasus, 22,9–41 % – in Turkmenistan.