Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Sergeeva I.V. 1 Lychkovskyа E.V. 1 Tihonovа E.P. 1 Kamzalakova N.I. 1 Bulygin G.V. 1
1 Krasnoyarsk state medical university of a name of professor V.F.Vojno-Jasenetsky
Flu of the person – the acute highly contagious infectious disease of respiratory ways caused by viruses of flu. In the general structure of infectious diseases it is the share of a share of flu and other sharp respiratory virus infections to 92%. Patogenez of flu grows out of interaction of a set of factors of a macroorganism with virus proteins. Receptors of cages to which viruses of flu of the person have preference, экспрессируются on epitelialny cages throughout respiratory ways – in a mucous membrane of a nose, okolonosovy bosoms, a drink, a trachea, bronchial tubes, bronchioles and alveoluses, but their quantity variously on different sites. In the period of a pandemic a major factor of risk of development of influenzal virus pneumonia is lack of specific protection of lungs antibodies against related strains of a virus. An important role in патогенезе flu is played by immune system. It is established that flu viruses in the course of the evolution got mechanisms which are capable to limit and suppress immunity of the owner. Manifestation in full functionality of immunocompetent cages in the course of recognition of an anti-gene and formation of the immune answer happens only at the corresponding condition of their intracellular metabolism which is provided with a certain level of activity of intracellular enzymes.