Sindeeva L.V. 1
Kazakova G.N. 1
1 Krasnoyarsk State Medical University n.a. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky
In article the results of one-stage anthopometrical and bioimpedansometrical definition of body composition of the person are presented, on the example of the female population of Eastern Siberia. All surveyed counted bone mass an anthopometrical J. Matiegka’s method with the subsequent identification of correlation communications between the bone mass and bioimpedansometry parameters. On the basis of the correlation analysis it is established that in the best way the mass of a skeleton is connected with water total in an organism and the size of active resistance. The regression models characterizing possibility of calculation of bone mass on parameters of a bioimpedansometry are developed for each age group. Linear dependence between studied parameters was absent. From nonlinear models the most significant for calculation of bone mass are polynomial the second and third degrees.