Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Sirak S.V. 1 Kopylova I.A. 1 Sirak A.G. 1 Hanova S.A. 1
1 Stavropol State Medical University
Lichen planus is a common condition. There has been a «rejuvenation» of individuals who suffer from this disease. Treatment should be comprehensive and individualized. The methods and materials used for the treatment of lichen planus are varied: «Meksidol», «submarine Galavit» phonophoresis lewisia, light therapy. The article presents the assessment of different methods of local therapy at displays planus on the mucous membrane of the mouth. General treatment is the appointment of tranquillizers and corticosteroids. Patients were divided into two groups. In the first underwent traditional topical treatment applied to the second multicomponent wound healing ointment. Local therapy in the first group was not sufficiently effective, compared with the second. The most effective means to accelerate epithelialization formations in this condition, used in the second group, have an adhesive, angio and anti-inflammatory effect.