Styazhkina S.N. 1
Varganov M.V. 1
Ledneva A.V. 1
Nazarov S.B. 1
Vinohodova E.M. 2
Chernenkova M.L. 1
Tretyakov E.V. 1
Sultanova M.V. 1
1 Izhevsk State Medical Academy
2 The first republican clinical hospital
Facts of the domestic and foreign literature are indicated about steadfast growth of the morbidity the acute pancreatitis at the last decade, mainly amongst persons of the able-bodied age, with trend to increase the sick with heavy current of the disease. The disease is occurred serious by pregnant. The frequency of acute pancreatitis by pregnant is 1:3000—1:10000. As a rule, the disease is connected with the cholelithiasis and more often develops in III trimester to pregnancy and in puerperal period. In 2009 the 2 young women in postnatal period are received treatment at 1 Republican clinical hospital of the Izhevsk-city. Of pregnant women with acute pancreatitis should be a surgeon and obstetrician. It is proved that when the signs of pancreatic necrosis combined use laser and ozone therapy facilitates aseptic throughout the process.