Frantsiyants E.M. 1
Komarova E.F. 1
Shatova J.S. 1
Vereskunova M.I. 1
Cheryrina N.D. 1
Prjdeckiy Y.V. 1
1 FSBD «RNIOI» Ministry of Health of RF
The research of the levels of thyroxin Т4, triiodothyronineТ3, thyreotrophin and cortisol was performed among the 43 patients with breast cancer (T2N0M0, T2N1M0) – the control group, 36 patients with breast cancer (T2N0M0, T2N1M0) combined with hysteromyoma – the main group and 20 healthy controls in perimenopause. It was founded that the levels of free Т4 and Т3 were lower in the control group than among the healthy controls in all the cases. The thyreotrophin level in the blood of the patients with breast cancer in the control group ranged in normal values. The different changes in the level of thyroid hormones and thyreotrophin’s activity were indicated in the main group. Only the decreased level of Т3in various degrees was the same in the main group. The research of the glucocorticoid state among the patients with breast cancer in the control and main groups revealed the stimulation of the cortisol synthesis and secretion.