Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Franchuk V.V. 1
1 Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
This study provides a retrospective review from the forensic files of Ternopil Regional Bureau of Forensic-Medical Examination, West Ukraine over a five year period from January 2007 to December 2011. Epidemiology of homicides and their medicolegal peculiarities were the objectives of the investigation. A total of 7042 reports of forensic autopsies were analyzed and among of them all cases of homicides were selected. A significant number of variables among casualties were reviewed such as: season in which the homicide occurred, gender and age of victims, methods used to commit homicide, site and injury pattern, weapon type used. During the period covered in this work, 56 homicides were perpetrated in Ternopil region (in 1,4% of the violence-related deaths). The rate of homicides in the region is 1,1 per 100,000 persons. More than one third of homicides showed seasonal distribution with winter peak over the other seasons. Homicides also peaked on Fridays, Tuesdays and Mondays, with most of them happening in the evening and midday (15.00-24.00). Quarrel between relatives was the common precipitating motive for this crime (in 70 % of the cases). The majority of the victims (65%) were killed inside the door. Most of homicides (48,2 %) were committed by using blunt objects with flat limited surface (like fist, foot, stone). Cutting-stabbing instruments (single-bladed, knife as a rule) were applied in 28,6 % of the homicides followed by manual strangulation and smothering (in 19,6 % of the cases). Firearm weapon was used only in two of the cases (3,6 % of the total). Males, aged 20–29 and 60–69 were predominantly affected (M:F gender ratio was 2:1). Notable number of the victims lived mainly in rural area and alcoholic poisoning was diagnosed in 64 % of the total. When blunt instruments were used, fatal head injuries were found in all of the homicides. Penetrating of thoracic cavity single injuries with the damages of left ventricle or lungs and great blood vessels were so typical for the homicide cases when knife was applied.