Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Charyshkin A.L. 1 Vanina N.V. 1
1 Ulyanovsk state University
In work the developed way of closing tracheostomy (The decision on issue of the patent Russian Federation for the invention of 8.10.2012 according to the demand № 2011153674) is described. Results of surgical treatment of patients with a trachea stenosis from 2001–2011 are presented. Average age of patients made 32,7 ± 4,2 years. The reasons of stenoses were: tracheostomy performance for IVL concerning heavy combined traumas – at 25 patients, a tracheostomy at heavy abdominal surgical pathology – at 27, a tracheostomy at heart operation – at 1, a tracheostomy at the heavy course of bronchial asthma – at 2. At receipt 20 patients stenoses had I degrees, at 35 – II, the III degrees. All patients were part on two groups depending on a way of closing tracheostomy. The assessment of surgical closing tracheostomy at patients with a trachea stenosis is carried out. The offered way of closing tracheostomy at patients with a stenosis of a trachea promotes decrease in early postoperative complications.