Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Shipilov V.A. 1 Yanchenko S.V., Sakhnov S.N. 1 Malyshev A.V. 1 Jeksuzjan Z.A. 1 1
1 Kuban state medical university
This development enables you quickly and easily fix the device for obtaining photos to the microscope slit lamp steadily getting in the dynamics of treatment quality images ocular surface that standardizes conditions photography and gives the possibility to track changes in the dynamics of ocular surface, optimizes diagnostics and allows you to control efficiency of therapeutic interventions. On the other hand, application of the developed device allows to significantly reduce the cost of obtaining images of the eye surface, in comparison with other traditional approach involving the use of expensive equipment – slit lamp with the several imaging options. The proposed latch has extended capabilities. With its help it is possible to obtain images of the eye surface, using as a device to obtain photographic camera that will allow the researcher to trace the dynamics of changes in the eye surface, to optimize diagnosis of the dry eye syndrome and monitor the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. Using as a device to obtain images webcam, may conduct on-line consultations with doctors of the leading clinics of the country and the world.