Shihnabieva N.D. 1
1 SEI HPL «Dagestan state medical academy»
Studied the incidence of cervical cancer in women living in the rural areas of the Republic of Dagestan (RD) for 1987-2006 biennium Sources of research were the materials of the Republican Oncology center MOH RD. Were calculated intensive indicators (PIS) incidence - the number of cases per 100 000 female population. For the analyzed period cervical cancer was the leading onco genital pathology. In the structure of malignant neoplasms of the female genitalia share it amounted to 44.8%. The incidence of cancer of the given localization residents of cities is higher than residents of rural areas, however, women in rural areas, there is a trend in incidence. In rural areas most frequently ill Russian female population than women, indigenous ethnic groups. These features should be considered when forming the groups of increased risk of oncological morbidity and develop measures to prevent.