Shouvalova Y.V. 1
Akhverdieva T.B. 1
Gerasimova N.G. 1
Chashina T.E. 1
Kovalenko E.N. 2
Zotova L.V. 1
Gorbatov V.A. 1
1 National research Mordovian N.P. Ogariov State University
2 Childrens Republican Clinical Hospital
The article reports experimental data on the use of polyoxidonium in a complex therapy of recurrent bronchitis and bronchial asthma in children. Evalutions of clinico-instrumental studies have been made for children treated according to a standard therapy of recidivating bronchitis and children treated with the use of polyoxidonium in addition. The emphasis of aggravation symptoms, needs for β2 – agonists of a short action, functional indices of respiration (peak exhalation rate, daily variability in the peak exhalation rate) and blood tests have been analyzed. The use of polyoxidonium in a complex therapy of recurrent obstructive syndrome has been found to attain the control over clinical symptoms of illness most effectively (cough, indices of intoxication, shortness of breath, indices of physical examination) and to considerably improve the indices of the external respiration function in comparison with the patients subject only to a standard therapy. As a result of the use of polyoxidonium, the patients with recurrent obstructive syndrome show a reliable growth of activity of antioxidant protection, reduction indices of intoxication in comparison with the patients subject only to a standard therapy.