Yuldashev N.M. 1
Akbarkhodjaeva K.N. 1
Ziamutdinova Z.K. 1
Sultankhodjaev U.L. 1
Sulaymanova G.G. 1
1 Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
The efficacy of glycine in the elimination of hypoxia in the dynamics of experimental myocardial infarction in rabbits was studied. The degree of hypoxia in the body was judged by the content of glucose, lactic and pyruvic acid in blood plasma. The increase of blood glucose level in rabbits for 3-24 hours after coronary occlusion is educed. Elevated levels of lactic acid were observed in 1-72 hours, and pyruvic acid 1-12 hours coronary occlusion. The peak increase of the studied parameters accounted for 6-12 hours of myocardial infarction. When injecting glycine 100 mg / kg body weight of animals with experimental myocardial infarction moderate increase in blood glucose levels was observed than the control animals. Treating experimental animals with glycine led to a moderate increase of lactic and pyruvic acids. Also, normalization of lactic acid, as opposed to controls was observed even in 24 hours of coronary occlusion. The conclusion of the anti-hypoxic effect of glycine mediated by its antistress and antioxidant properties.