Avrelkina E.V. 1
Peretyatko L.P. 2
Gerasimova L.I. 1
1 AI of Chuvashia «Postgraduate Doctors’ Training Institute» HealthCare and Social Development of Chuvashia
2 Laboratory Pathomorphology and electron microscopy Yvanovo Institute of Maternity and Childhood named V.N. Gorodkov
To identify the structural features of fetal lungs at the false left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) investigated symmetric fragments of lungs from 45 fetuses and children 20 - 40 weeks of gestation and a similar amount of material in the comparison group. Paraffin included slides from lung fragments studied using survey staining methods and with the help of morphometry. The study established clinically significant morphological changes in the lungs with CDH. Proved the presence patogenetic recent changes in the lungs with diaphragm anomaly formed. Found that pulmonary hypoplasia may be at CDH simultaneous and associate vice. The results can be used in practice pathologists, forensic pathologists, neonatologists.