Aznabaev B.M. 1
ZagidullinaA.S. 1
Rashitova D.R. 1
Sattarova R.R. 2
1 Bashkir State Medical University
2 JSC «Optimed-service»
The article represents the main indicators of ophthalmological service in the Republic of Bashkortostan, as eye diseases were recognized as a significant medico-social problem. The article presents data on the status and trends of the morbidity among adult population with eye diseases for four years. From 2010 to 2013 overall morbidity decreased by 5.1% from 13267, to 12590,6 on 100 thousand population. Morbidity with temporary disability, structure of primary exit to disability because of eye diseases were analyzed. For the period 2010-2013 the organization of ophthalmological care had positive growth trends of the availability of ophthalmologists: increasing the number of specialists with a certificate. During the studied period, there was a reduction of bedspace for ophthalmologic patients, also a decline of indicators in the average duration of hospital stay.