Ammaev M.G. 1
1 Kuban State Medical University
The problem of diagnostics of the initial caries is actual in modern stomatology. Optimization of diagnostics of the initial forms of caries provides the using of methods with the following properties: non-invasive, high susceptibility and specificity, minimum expenditure of time, minimizing of the using of complex and expensive equipment. A comparative assessment of the susceptibility of the fluorescent staining method using a 1% aqueous solution of Rhodamine C and vital staining using a 1% aqueous solution of methylene blue was conducted on the teeth with previously created demineralization. Diagnostics was performed on 5 exemplars of teeth from the two surfaces prepared with hydrochloric acid of a molar concentration with an exposition of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 seconds and investigated by an electron microscopy. The obtained results showed the dependence of the fluorescence intensity under fluorescent staining of the degree of demineralization.