Anikina E.J. 1
Logvinov S.V. 1
Potapov A.V. 1
Varakuta E.J. 1
Gerasimov A.V. 1
1 Siberian Medical University
The study of morphological changes in sensorineural retinal cells under low-intensity light impact (200 lx) combined with chorioretinal dystrophy. Age degeneration symptoms were lesional. Modifying impact of light for the given pathology is proven, causing in destruction increase both in lesions, and out of them. Also, significant increase in pyknomorphie sensorineural cell was noted in a group of animals under light impact combined with retina age degeneration (83,6 ± 1.48%). Given numbers are veraciously higher than control group’s, group of animals without light impact (63,5 ± 1,31%) and group of young animals without retina pathology and with light impact (31,58 ± 1,4%). Besides, the study shows ultrastructural changes in cells with given pathology with and without light impact. The most significant changes were found in chorioretinal dystrophy lesions under light impact, resulted in considerable destruction of inner and outer segments, also pyknosis, reksis and lysis of neuron nucleus