Antonov V.N. 1
Ignatova G.L. 1
Rodionova O.V. 1
Grebneva I.V. 1
Blinova E.V. 1
Pustovalova I.A. 1
Drozdov I.V. 1
1 SEI HPL “South Ural State Medical University”
An analysis of systematic arterial hypertension effect on the size of pulmonary hypertension of patients with COPD was made. Male patients with COPD and arterial hypertension were included in the research. Moreover, the control group of patients without any arterial hypertension features was included too. All patients got a full checkup: clinical evaluation of complaints and anamnesis, physical and instrumental examination and laboratory tests. The influence of progressionof pulmonary hypertension on the COPD severity was analyzed. Also, the effect of arterial hypertension on parameters of pulmonary hypertension was analyzed. It was discovered that systematic arterial hypertension has a statistically significant effect on the size of pulmonary hypertension of patients with COPD (r=0,65, p<0,05) The degree of COPD severity increases as well as degree of pulmonary hypertension. The growth of blood pressure and increase of COPD severityin the group of patients with COPD and arterial hypertension are observed.