Akhmadullina H.M. 1
Akhmadullin U.Z. 2
Zulkarnaeva A.T. 2
1 Eastern Economics and Law Humanities
2 Bashkir State Medical University
The role of food as social and health status indicator of children is reviewed. Main disturbances in students nutrition and problems of the organization quality and affordable hot meals in schools are stated.Goals and objectives of the pilot project «School Meals», implemented since 2008 in the regions of Russian Federation are described. Innovative project – a turnkey solution «School Meals», created under the national project «Education» is examined on the example of Ufa, Bashkortostan. The data of the annual opinion poll of urban district residents of Ufa on the topic: «Social Support. Education» is shown. Questions reflecting the degree of satisfaction of parents from school meals system as one of the most important components of student health were studied in dynamics, starting from 2009. The obtained data suggests that in comparison with year 2013 the number of children eating school with the class and the number of children eating alone in the cafeteria has increased. According to the survey, 63.7 % of parents are generally satisfied with the quality of food in schools. Most parents said that they are aware of the «student card», which allows paying for school meals by bank transfer.The conducted analysis of parents’satisfaction with school food quality allows making adjustments to the existing model of management system of school nutrition, exercise setting new goals and objectives based on the monitoring and the analysis of customer satisfaction.