Bashmakov O.A. 1
Polev A.V. 2
Zaboeva S.L. 3
1 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU)
2 ANO «Research Medical Center
3 The limited liability company “Medicine of beauty”
Over the last period of time the humanity has stepped far forward the way of public progress, in this connection the problems of governing, the whole complex of questions related with guaranteeing public life administration are becoming the most important kinds of the human activities. Health care administration in today’s age marked by rapid development of medical science causing specialization cannot be realized without a correct evidence-based selection of people for performing these functions and without their specific training on all the issues connected with this kind of activity. This is required also by that high level of public care system development, achieved by the Russian state today, what demands thorough selection on the stage of the future students entering already.