Belyi L.E. 1
Konshin I.I. 1
Soloviev D.A. 1
1 Ulyanovsk state University
Research objective – to study patterns of change of mobility of spermatozoons at a leukocitospermia at patients with a chronic bacterial prostatitis. For confirmation of existence of a chronic bacterial prostatitis carried out microscopical research of a secret of a prostate and bacteriological research of an ejaculate. Results of a spermogram were interpreted in compliance by standard values of indicators of an ejaculate recommended WHO in the 5th edition of 2010. Patients with a chronic bacterial prostatitis were divided into 2 groups - the first group included 23 patients with a chronic bacterial prostatitis, with concentration of leucocytes in the ejaculate, not exceeding normal values. The second group was made by 15 patients with a leukocitospermia. Mathematical modeling of dependences between signs with use of methods of the smallest squares and approximations was carried out, thus quality of approximation was estimated to the maximum reliability estimates. It is proved that the leukocitospermia is one of pathogenetic factors of formation of an astenozoospermia at patients with a chronic bacterial prostatitis. It is established, what even at low activity of inflammatory process (quantity of leucocytes in an ejaculate no more than 106/ml) negative influence on mobility of spermatozoons takes place.