Boyko O.V. 1, 2
Ahmineeva A.K. 1
Boyko V.I. 2
Gudinskaya N.I. 1
1 Astrakhan State Medical Academy
2 Astrakhan State University
The study of the incidence of temporary disability of workers 4 groups depending on the ranking of hazards existing in the enterprise production factors. Along with that analyzed the incidence dependence on length of service and age of the subjects. Examined the frequency of occurrence of different clinical entities of the company’s employees. The obtained results clearly illustrate the response of the human body on the existing conditions of the working environment when exposed to a whole range of factors specific to the Astrakhan gas processing plant. In this regard, the complex treatment and preventive measures of prime importance, in our opinion, have a mandatory preliminary medical examinations, as well as the existing periodic monitoring of workers’ health, aimed at, among other things, on the prevention of occupational diseases.