Bolotov A.A. 1
Sashenkov S.L. 1
Tishevskaya N.V. 1
1 South Ural State Medical University
There have been examined qualified sportsmen with predominantly aerobic (cross-country skiers, swimmers) and anaerobic (wrestlers, boxers) tendency of training process. It has been found out some peculiarities of morpho - functional characteristics of blood parameters and immune status associated with the peculiarities of physical activity among representatives of different sports . The article shows the possibility and high efficiency of multivariate statistical analysis methods for predicting sports specialization athletes. Purposes of statistical treatment was to identify the minimum required number of indicators ( variables studied in athletes ), allowing the athlete to carry a particular specialization and identify a minimum number of parameters that most strongly affect their specialization. It has been shown that it is possible for more than halve the number of hematological and immunological parameters that define sports specialization , wherein a prediction value does not fall below an average of 87.7 %.