Borisov Y.Y. 1
1 Krasnodar municipal medical institute of nursing higher education
After having investigated 150 patients suffering from duodenal ulcer and 38 healthy people the results of research on rheological properties of gastric mucus, secretion of acid and pepsin have been presented in this paper. The correlation between secretory and rheological parameters have been analyzed. Four various types of disorder combination in secretion of acid, pepsin and rheological properties have been revealed. Patients (54±4 %) with gastric hypersecretion of acid and pepsin and decreased rheological indices of gastric mucus belong to the first group. Patients (19±3 %) who have decreased production of acid and pepsin but rheological parameters of gasric mucus do not outstep the norm belong the second type. The third type are those people who have (22±3 %) hypo-viscous syndrome and normal secretion. Patients (5±2 %) whose rheological and secretory parameters keep unchanged belong to the fourth type. It has been revealed that the first variant is characterized by the most severe course of a disease and high risk of complications. It has been shown that the study of gastric secretion and rheological properties are of great pathogenetic and prognostic importance