Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Медицинские науки
ISSN 2500-0780
ПИ №ФС77-57452


Bocharova K.A. 1 Gerasimenko A.V. 2 Zhaboeva S.L. 3
1 Belgorod National Research University
2 MPHB «City policlinic №6»
3 Clinic of youth and beauty SL
Original scientific research of factorial influence of the main somatic diseases on development of a sarkopenia is conducted. Research showed that the all-somatic diseases most widespread in the senior age groups (arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, osteoarthritis, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, stroke consequences, a full metabolic syndrome, a hypercholesterolemia, a irritable bowel syndrome) have considerable impact on development and progressing of a sarkopenia. The obtained data are confirmed and the revealed increase in an index of a polimorbidnost at patients in process of increase in age and strengthening of extent of involute changes of the muscular device. So, patients of different age groups respectively in the absence of a sarkopenia, a presarkopenia, a sarkopenia and the expressed sarkopeniya had the following polimorbidnost index size: in 55 – 60 years – 2,4+0,2 and 2,9+0,1; 61 – 65 years – 2,9+0,1 and 3,8+0,2; 66 – 70 years – 3,4+0,1, 3,9+0,2, 4,5+0,1, 6,3+0,2; in 71 – 75 years – 3,9+0,2, 4,6+0,1, 5,6+0,2, 7,8+0,3; in 76 – 80 years – 4,6+0,1, 5,4+0,2, 6,2+0,3, 8,9+0,1. These data confirm a hypothesis of a contribution of pro-oxidative, pro-inflammatory changes to development of a sarkopenia.