Bulatova I.A. 1
Schekotova A.P. 1
Кarlysheva К.N. 2
1 SBEI HPE Perm State Medical Academy named after ac. E.. Wagner
2 SAHI City Clinical Hospital № 3 Perm
Aim of the study was to investigate the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) and the activity of enzyme antioxidants – superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPO) and glutathione reductase (GLR) in the serum of patients with metabolic syndrome (MS) and fatty liver disease and to assess the relationship of these parameters with functional liver tests and level of leptin. Material and methods. 30 patients with MS and fatty liver disease were examined, the control group consisted of 15 healthy subjects. The concentration of leptin means of ELISA method, level of MDA and activity of antioxidants via photometric method were evaluated in serum. Results. Patients with MS showed of leptin concentration (p<0.001), an increase of MDA level was 3.6-fold (p <0.001) and decrease in the activity antioxidants in comparison with the control group: SOD on 56 % , CAT on 33%, GPO in 4 times, GLR in 2.2 times. A direct association of the level of MDA and inverse correlations SOD and GPO with markers of cytolysis are detected. The concentration of leptin showed a direct correlation with MDA and inverse relationship with GPO activity. Decrease of CAT and GPO activity was correlated with worsening of atherogenic dyslipidemia. The relationship of depression in SOD activity and the rise of blood glucose in patients with MS were determined (p=0.046). Conclusion. Oxidative stress in patients with MS and fatty liver disease is manifested by increased MDA content and by a decrease in the activity of antioxidant enzyme system. These changes are closely associated with the severity of liver damage and the growth of changes in laboratory markers of MS.