Bulkinа N.V. 1
Zelenova A.V. 1
Tokmakova E.V. 1
Bashkova L.V. 2
1 Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
2 Astrakhan State Medical Academy
Currently, all the more common forms of aggressive periodontitis acquire. Among them is the rapidly progressive periodontitis (RPP). Complexity due to the complex therapy, including the lack of consensus on the mechanisms of RPP. In a review of the literature describes the modern concept of the etiology and pathogenesis of RPP, as well as methods of treatment, including new non-drug methods. To date, those include electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency and terahertz frequency band of nitric oxide, which is a universal regulator of physiological and metabolic processes in each cell of the body. The published data relate mainly to the influence of terahertz waves by intravascular component of microcirculatory disorders and practically do not affect their impact on other levels of hemodynamics. In addition, insufficient information about the physiological mechanisms of realizing the effects of terahertz waves in the circulatory system and blood, which seems appropriate for further study.