Burov V.V. 1
Alekseev Y.D. 1
Efimov A.A. 1
Savenkova E.N. 1
Kulaeva L.V. 1
Ivahina S.A. 1
1 Saratov State Medical University n.b. V.I. Razumovsky
At autopsy material investigated morphological parameters of female breast cancer at different ages. The method quantitative mikromorfometrii studies following parametres: specific quantity of the solitary ducts and specific quantity of group ducts, a lobe of group ducts, specific volume of adipose tissue, specific volume of a fibrous tissue and specific volume of a ferrous tissue, diameter of ducts. The study identified three groups of parameters not related to age , which were assigned a specific amount of duct group , the proportion of group duct diameter ducts; depending on age parameters with an average correlation with age - specific volume of glandular and fibrous tissues to sustainable depending on age indicators are allocated the amount of adipose tissue and the specific amount of single ducts which had a strong correlation with age and characterized by smooth unidirectional age dynamics.