Verzilina I.N. 1
TverskayaA.V. 2
1 MBUZ «Polyclinic №2»
2 FGAOU VPO «Belgorod State University»
The scientific research shows the results of studying the role of polymorphic folate cycle genes combinations with the development of preeclampsia. The laboratory examination of women (main group of 315 pregnant women with a preeclampsia) and control group (179 women with normal pregnancy) was performed. Genetic variants of folate cycle enzymes associated with the development of PE were obtained. It was found that a combination of genetic variants of folate cycle enzymes TYMSIVS6-68TT (OR = 3,65) and MTHFR + 1298CCi MTHFR + 677T (OR = 6,47) increases the risk of pre-eclampsia. Protective data were found for six different combinations of the six genetic variants of folate cycle enzymes MTHFR + 1298A, SHMT1 + 1420C, MTR + 2756A, TYMS -1053C, TYMSIVS6-68C, TYMS -1122A (OR = 0,49-0,54).